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3 Translation results for flip-flops in Spanish

| verb |


unfavorite favorite play sound
chanclas, chancletas
word of the day image
A pair of colorful flip-flops

Example sentences of

  • I put on my bathing suit and flip-flops and went down to the beach.

flip-flop verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
cambiar de opinión drásticamente, (figurado, informal) dar un giro de ciento ochenta grados, darse vuelta como una tortilla, darse vuelta como un panqueque

Example sentences of
flip-flop verb

  • Her eyes flip-flopped up and down as she tried to grasp every detail of the image.


unfavorite favorite play sound
giro radical; chancla, chancleta
word of the day image
An athlete performs a flip-flop.

Example sentences of

  • This flip-flop in policy has caused much confusion.

Synonyms of

flip verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
flipped, has flipped, is flipping, flips
moverse bruscamente; tirar; dar la vuelta a, voltear

Example sentences of
flip verb

  • She was sitting in the waiting room, flipping the pages of a magazine.
  • His car flipped over on the interstate.

Synonyms of
flip verb

flop noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
flop noun

  • The movie was a total flop.
  • It fell to the ground with a flop.

Synonyms of
flop noun

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